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In addition to our rigorous Early Childhood and Elementary curriculum it is our faith that is reflected in everything we do. In addition to daily prayer, our religious education program includes monthly celebrations of the Sacred Liturgy, Sacramental preparation, Lenten and Advent programs and formal classroom instruction on our faith.



Prayer is very much a part of our daily routine at Saint Bridget School.  We begin each day with schoolwide prayer and pledge. In addition, we open each school assembly and meeting with prayer.  Typically, each class begins and ends the day with group prayer.  Students are given the opportunity to ask for special prayer intentions in a variety of ways, including the parish prayer book at the church.  


Students participate in prayer prior to lunch in their classrooms and pray together as a school community at the conclusion of lunch in the cafeteria.  Several classrooms pray the rosary on a regular basis.  We believe in the power of children’s prayers and frequently ask classrooms to pray for one another’s special intentions. 



Each month we celebrate a school liturgy for grades kindergarten to eight.  A different grade accepts responsibility for this Mass each month.  After the Mass that grade hosts a gathering in the parish hall for their parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and other adult parishioners.  Students attend Holy Day Masses when school is in session.  On occasion, individual classes may attend the 9:00 A.M. Mass as a group.


We celebrate a special Mass to open the school year.  A school closing Mass is also celebrated in June.  Traditionally, at this Mass, grade eight students wear their graduation gowns and enter in procession.  Eighth grade graduation takes place at the conclusion of a special Mass. 


Students are welcome to participate in the altar servers and children’s choir programs, offered through the parish. 

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